Don’t Throw Away Your Vote

Our system of government doesn't need changing. It needs fresh ideas and old fashioned tough people who will get things done. It's time to stand up for our values and create a better future for our children. Elect a Leader who will deliver results.

Insight: US Politics of Fear and Disgust

US Politics of Fear and Disgust Author: Lokesh Kumar August 5, 2018 Every home I go to, people tell me how much they are disgusted with the federal government, and

Health Care : How to reduce costs today

Hospitals are charging us $140,000 for a hip replacement, and $50,000 for knee surgery that costs them at most $10,000. Why ? Because they can. And there is nothing you

Schools : Kids Come First

Are you completely satisfied with your school performance? Our kids need our support and care. We need to make our schools strong. The curriculum, expectations, and accountability need major overhauling.

Taxes : This is why we need to lower income tax to 15%

We pay 8% Social Security, 6% sales tax, 5% property tax, 35% income tax. That totals about 50% in taxes per household. This means half our income disappears in taxes

Jobs : How to bring back manufacturing jobs

Michigan has lost manufacturing jobs to low cost countries. It's about time we reverse this trend. NAFTA is 24 years old and WTO is 17 years. Since these two treaties,

Smaller Government, Bigger Paycheck

Why are we paying through the nose for a bloated government? We need to expose waste and abuse. We must leave more hard-earned money with the people. Real taxes should

Listen to this short interview

Republican Candidate of Michigan’s 8th Congressional District

Lokesh Kumar 30 Seconds Leadership Video

103 WILS Ed Rivet Interview 7/16/18