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Insight: US Politics of Fear and Disgust

US Politics of Fear and Disgust
Author: Lokesh Kumar
August 5, 2018

Every home I go to, people tell me how much they are disgusted with the federal government, and the quality of elected officials. Voters across the age spectrum say that our federal government acts like a business that forcibly takes money from its customers, provides the worst products, and is run mostly by self serving two-tongued board of directors.

When was the last time, a federal candidate came to your home to ask what was important to you? Politicians have actually figured out how to get what they want by doing nothing. Having a dysfunctional and divided Congress is the best thing for them since sliced bread. Talking about this problem a thousand times over isn’t going to help us. Neither is watching our favorite talk show. Believe it or not, no politician can fix your healthcare, your roads, jobs, your schools, or your favorite issue. Those TV ads, voters guides, mailers, phone calls, canvassers are all the same BS.

Ignoring the problems just makes them worse. Our national debt, education, healthcare, law enforcement, and congress are perfect examples of simmering fires ready to destroy us.

As of August 2018, the US National debt was $21 Trillion.  The federal government takes in $3 Trillion taxes every year and spends $4 Trillion. This is ridiculous. We are being scared everyday by politicians who want to increase taxes, or cut our social security. It’s all non-sense, and scare mongering. These are just trigger words to scare us, and keep us from thinking straight. Most of these politicians couldn’t do their own taxes, let alone comprehend balancing the federal budget. If the federal government were a family or business, it would have been bankrupt long ago. If it were another country, it would have been bankrupt, and all the politicians kicked out on the street.

Each one of these problems need everyone’s participation. Each one has a solution. Only we can fix this. We have ourselves to blame when we elect useless people or don’t do our share of civic duty. We must use the power of vote vested in us by the constitution. Today, voting affects us and the next generation more than anything else. Start with the primaries, vote in every election small or big. Ignore this and you will be served leftovers without any real choice in November. Our system doesn’t need changing, it’s craving for participation. Only real fear of being fired from their offices is going to make the politicians work for us and fix our system. Use the vote our founding fathers died for, and fire at will.

Insights into American politics by Lokesh Kumar detail his experiences as a federal congressional candidate on the campaign trail. In this article, the author talks about how his views were shaped by visiting people door to door and asking them what were their most important issues, and how to fix them.

Source for US debt http://www.usdebtclock.org/

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PDF: US Debt and the Politics of Fear – Lokesh Kumar

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